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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Great

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An interesting fishing read The Only Fishing Experts You Should Listen Too

Author: Daniel Eggertsen
Everyone's an Expert, So Who Has The Right Answers? Have you ever been stuck in a conversation with a fisherman who thinks they know everything there is to know about night fishing? One thing most experts will tell you, is that the " >Evening Secret " to a more. ( ) I know I have. After listening about how many fish this person caught yesterday or hearing about the 8 pounder he brought home last week, it may be tempting to take the advice this person gives with absolute certainty. And in some cases, this is a good idea. I am a strong believer in listening to experts who are achieving the results I want to achieve, learn what they do, and then do the same thing myself. I have had good success with this method in the past, but there is one thing to be careful of. You will surely come across people who can "talk the talk", but couldn't catch a fish if you put one on his line for him. The key is to identify this type of person before taking his advice. I would always be polite and listen to his stories or theories, but I wouldn't be trying to take mental notes or try to remember everything he is saying. There are expert fishermen out there that gladly share their knowledge with you. Seek these people out. I learned this first hand on some fishing related forums on the Internet. Whenever I had a question about something, I posted it on these forums. Sure enough, I would get responses from people that I'm not sure have fished a day in their life. Had I taken their advice, I could have been killed, injured, thrown in jail or worse yet, come home with an empty fish bucket :) Rather than ask the guys hanging out at the Bass Shop for advice, why not ask the guys out on the lake who are reeling them in faster than you can cast your line out? If you can't see the results for yourself, I'd be leery of taking a stranger's advice. With that said, another sure fire way to learn what works is to test many different things. If you try 20 different lures, you are sure to find one that works with the location you are fishing. When you find one that is working, write it down in a notebook somewhere, along with the location you are at, what lure is working, time of day, etc. About the Author Daniel Eggertsen is a long time fishermen, as well as President and Founder of Evening Secret Fishing ( ) ...

A fishing to look at

Picasso Double Willow Spinnerbait

Picasso Double Willow Spinnerbait is one of many products in the fishing tackle and outdoors store.

Price: 5.09

A post about fishing

Some Basic Facts About Fishing Gear

In fishing, it is very important to an angler's success that he starts with the proper equipment. He may purchase or own the finest equipment in the world, but when it is assembled and put into use, it may prove to be a very decided handicap.

To g ...

Author: Travis Clemens -

Big Game Fishing � Marlin and Billfish in Costa Rica

Big Game Fishing � Marlin and Billfish in Costa Rica

Read Jetsetters Magazine at
Read this entire feature FREE with photos at
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